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Total Health Care's Compliance Program

Total Health Care is committed to conducting business in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.

Total Health Care has established a series of policies and procedures designed to assist in:

  • Detecting instances of non-compliance;
  • Promoting open lines of communication so individuals feel comfortable reporting compliance issues and questions; and
  • Responding to instances of non-compliance that are discovered.

Reporting Compliance Issues

Any individual affiliated with Total Health Care who is aware of or suspects a violation of an applicable law, rule or regulation, Total Health Care’s Standards of Conduct or other policies and procedures has an affirmative duty to report this information. All reports of alleged, known or suspected non-compliance should be reported through the regular chain of command. Any individual who, for any reason, is uncomfortable with reporting through the normal chain of command should report the information directly to the Office of Compliance.

Total Health Care has a formalized system of communication for individuals affiliated with Total Health Care to report potential non-compliance to the Office of Compliance. An individual may communicate information to the Compliance Officer directly by calling the Compliance Hotline at 410-735-5315 or by sending a letter to:              

Compliance Officer
Total Health Care
1501 Division Street
Baltimore, MD 21217

Total Health Care takes all necessary steps to maintain the confidentiality of the identity of the individual who has reported information. However, at some point the identity of such individual may need to be revealed in order to appropriately address the reported matter. Individuals may make anonymous reports through the hotline or by letter, though it is preferred that individuals identify themselves as part of the report to allow for a comprehensive review of the report.                              

No retaliatory action will be taken against any individual who, in good faith, reports suspected or known instances of non-compliance. Anyone who is involved in an act of retaliation, intimidation or harassment of an individual who reports a compliance concern in good faith will be subject to disciplinary action.